Saturday, September 28, 2013

50 Shades Of Malaysia Exb

Title: Murai
Media: Oil Paint, Pen, Water Color, and Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 12’x12’ Inch  
Year: 2013


The first thing that come up in my mind while thinking about our country Malaysia is a little  bird named magpie or Murai. Magpie is probably the most common bird in Malaysia; it can be found everywhere, from the most rural village, to big city like Kuala Lumpur. Magpie in Malaysia, was always associated with negative connotations and image. For example the magpie was used in Malays traditional proverbs to address individuals who have a loud mouth .But if one really spends some time to observed the bird, one would understand that the image associated with magpie were not necessarily true. Magpie for me is a diligent bird, expressive and always working for its own food and shelter. If you really stop and listen to its sound, you might learn to love it, as its annoying call was actually beautiful in many ways. As common as the actual magpies in Malaysia, we are actually lack of peoples, who shared the same qualities as the bird.  Qualities such as the will to express opinions and sharing knowledge, diligence and honesty in works, are somehow lacking in present society, regardless of institution and field. Malaysia is a developing country, and what we need to keep the development going, are probably more magpies.

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