Monday, July 22, 2013

Aesthetic and Budi

Aesthetic in general can be defined as a branch of philosophy dealing with beauty, and taste. The word aesthetic was derived from Greek word aisthanomai, meaning "I perceive, feel, sense". There are various statements suggested by many scholars and philosophers regarding the definition of aesthetic and its relation to art, psychology, metaphysic and ethics. Aesthetic exist in all civilisation and its can be found in their art and craft but each civilisation doesn’t necessarily shared the same view on aesthetic.

Aesthetic view in Malay world can be stated as a combination of ethical values, religion and the observation on nature. (Drs Sidi Gazalba 1977) “Art is born from religion. And ethic existed none other than to summarise the teaching of religion about the good and bad, through the view of goodness, art is not only creating an interrelated relation with religion but also with ethics.”  

 Ethics in Malay can be traced by the term “Budi”. The term “Budi” was actually originated from the Sanskrit word “Buddhi” which mean intellectual, wisdom, and humbleness. According to Aminudin Mansor in his writing Konsep ‘Akal Budi’ dalam Sastera Melayu 2009;

“Definisi ‘budi’ adalah perangai yang baik, akhlak yang terpuji, tingkah laku yang sopan dan watak yang sempurna dengan akal dan kebijaksanaan. Budi luhur juga melambangkan sifat manusia yang baik, perbuatan yang berakhlak dengan melakukan kebajikan kepada manusia lain. Melalui ‘budi’ akan lahirlah bicara, daya upaya yang sempurna dalam kehidupan seharian.” (Aminudin Mansor 2009)

Thus, Budi can be understood as good attitudes, good behaviour, and a perfect character with intellectuality. Budi can also represent a good human characteristic, and good deeds toward other human beings. Through “Budi” the perfect language and deeds will be established in everyday life

Budi according to Tengku Lukman, cannot be judge by scientific means, but can be understood or comprehend mostly through the Malay’s Traditional art and performances.

“It is almost impossible to understand budi scientifically as it involves internal values that could only be understood through actions, thoughts, language, body movements, and traditional elements such as songs, lyrics, theatre presentations, dances, carvings and paintings.  The abstract nature of budi is similar to experiences of other ethnic internal values, which can only be appreciated by the communities itself.  This is best exemplified by the Malays’ utmost respect for their elders as they refer to their elders as uncle, aunt, brother or sister, and by bending their body (bowing) when walking past the elders.  In fact, the  budi elements are often highlighted in Malay proverbs and pantun” (Tengku Lukman Sinar, 2001: 225).

 “Budi” or ethic in Malay philosophy is one of the major things that govern the development of Malay traditional art. It can be traced in various material and non-material culture, for example,(Nordin Selat 1975) philosophy of Adat have state that the only things that stays beautiful in this world is “Budi” and “Bahasa”
“Yang kurik itu kendi
Yang merah itu saga
Yang baik itu budi
Yang indah itu bahasa”  


                                                                                                                                                                                 By: Hanif Hafiz 2013

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